We Enable Common Good.

Our mission is to enable the adoption of solutions for humanity’s biggest challenges: air, water, power, information, education, communication, protection, representation.
On and off Earth.
Example: Air Quality for Disadvantaged Schools
A chance to help 60+ disadvantaged and tribal schools.
We believe in the way that Madison Air and Overture Indoor Air Quality
are helping schools in cooperation with Terrabase and AWS.
Even before EPA grant fund awards have been announced, our partnership has 10 school districts and counting already being served, including two Tribal schools. Two more Tribal schools are committed, pending the EPA funds. We’re also raising donations to solve the water crisis currently facing one of those Tribes.
Our EPA Grant 5-year proposal includes the following benefits for participating disadvantaged schools, whether rural, urban or Tribal:
- Paid Air Quality Monitoring, including Installation by our team
- Paid Internships so Students and Teachers can contribute
- Paid Grant-Writing assistance for school capital improvements
- Research and Development for better air cleaning technology
- Discounted cleaner-that-bottled water appliances
Our Values
We strive to help humanity thrive wherever it chooses to go.
Sustainable Exploration does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program or activities.
Partnership is required to promote the protection and preservation of the Earth and Space for Humanity.
Our Mission
Partner to Preserve, Promote, and Protect Human Exploration.
Partnership endures. Working together, we succeed.
We choose Partners based on ethics and contributions:
- Solutions applicable now on Earth and later for Space
- Inventors who offer better terms to the disadvantaged
- Solutions that benefit everyone
- Proven and repeatable results
- Solutions capable of being adopted rapidly and widely
- Credible and ethical innovators and inventors
- Solutions that ‘drop in’ and harmonize existing systems
- Exaptive (radically repurposed) solutions

We work with a wide variety of industries and users
To increase participation in space exploration, we must decrease the time, cost, and risk by removing complexity. We strive to bridge the gaps between private, academic and pure scientific research with entities, innovators, and inventors.
We are inspired by EIS Council.
We appreciate the knowledge shared by Incose.
And please check out these publications:
Research & Development Partners
This innovative firm achieved our three-year water dream, two years ahead of schedule in 2024.
Indoor air quality monitoring and solutions from one of the U.S. largest privately held family of firms.
Our maiden project and still going strong, this team is the safest rocket team in the world.
This innovative and deceptively simple technology is one of the latest strategic innovations from AFS.
Nano-grids, micro-grids, and other forms of alternative, resilient and renewable energy.
An Agile and Lean approach to business continuity.
Advanced Fusion Systems
Do you know what high-energy physicists, electro-magnetic scientists and high-precision fabricators don’t have time to do? Websites! Coming soon.
This firm is a strong regional partner for volunteerism and community development as well.